Make the difference!

Magical brand experiences with a measurable effect? Strategic whisperer Isabelle Huyghe positions companies, brands and organizations firmly on the radar. With a unique perspective on brand activation, customer experience, digital leadership and transformation, she lifts companies to their highest potential. Dedicated, to the point, and always with a surprising, creative wink. Together we make the difference!

Focus on the bigger picture

‘Make the difference’ inspires, innovates and invests in long-term partnerships with companies that care about corporate social responsibility. Creating a unique, emotional customer experience? We look beyond demand and set up an ecosystem based on your requirements and needs. Online, offline, operational or strategic: with our breadth of partners we approach your business and branding challenge with a 360° view. From a digital brand experience that makes you dream, to the tangible realization of showrooms and inspirational product launches.

Growing people and brands

Up close and personal: Isabelle Huyghe, in her partnerships, does not stand apart from, but between the clients and close to the organization.

Our workflow? Adopting, understanding and grasping the customer’s DNA as a starting point. Together we map out pain points and opportunities in a targeted manner and guide your company through various challenges and growth processes.Strategic and operational, both at the branding and company level.

Branding & customer experience

Creating happy customers starts with a strategic plan of action. Where are things rough? What opportunities are available? We tell your brand story from the inside out.

Digital leadership & transformation

Want to give your brand digital resilience? ‘Make the difference’ is the strategic partner for digital transformation and change strategy.

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is tailor-made. A sustainable communication strategy that connects and converts, that is our strength!

Meet & greet Isabelle!

Entrepreneur and creative mind Isabelle Huyghe strategically guides companies and organizations in the development of their love brand. As a strategic whisperer with over 20 years of experience, she is the resourceful support for brands looking to make an emotional connection with their target audience.

Isabelle has a creative background, specializing in marketing communication, customer experience, digital transformation and corporate social responsibility. Her motto? Every day is a school day. Trends and tools, facts and figures: Isabelle wants to learn, innovate and inspire every day. She quickly picks up new insights and weaves them effortlessly into a creative and effective marketing strategy.

Isabelle has a Master in Publicity and enriched her knowledge with a degree in Strategic B2B Marketing and Customer Innovation from the Vlerick Business School. She is fluent in Dutch, English and French and is a member of various advisory boards.

Would you like to take your customer experience to the next level?