Branding & customer experience

A strategic view of your branding & customer experience? Creating brand recognition, communicating in an authentic way on different channels, … A catchy brand story or unique brand experience creates an emotional connection with your target audience. Together we make the difference. Based on your unique brand and company values, we clearly map out the customer journey of your company. A strong strategy and crystal-clear objectives are the starting point. The focus? Build brand stories that understand, captivate and move your customers. Reasoned and omnichannel. Isabelle Huyghe creates a smooth dynamic between the online and offline channels. From website, apps and digital activation, to events, showrooms and impactful campaigns. A 360° view of your customer experience!

Creating happy customers by taking your brand experience to the next level?

Digital leadership & transformation

Digital leadership & transformation according to your company’s DNA? The digital revolution is making the business landscape buzz, sparkle and transform. In order to allow your company to smoothly participate in the digital wave, it is best to respond proactively to the needs and wishes of your target audience.

Together we make the difference. Isabelle guides you in a focused and passionate way on your journey of digital leadership & transformation. Thinking through a valuable digital customer journey, mapping out your business objectives and realizing it step by step,… ‘Make the difference’ joins your conversations and structures and optimizes your digital assets. Well thought-out and data-driven, because the user experience and satisfaction of the customers are accurately measured throughout the process.

Digital leadership for your company?

Corporate social responsibility

A birds-eye view of corporate social responsibility (CSR)? In the year 2021, sustainable and well-considered entrepreneurship is key. Not only for the social shift you make as a company, but also for your brand identity and employer branding.

Together we make the difference. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is based on the sustainable triad of people, planet and profit. Would you like to create value-add as a company, both economically, socially and ecologically? Isabelle gets up close and personal with your organization and creates a corporate social responsibility strategy that inspires and converts. Interpret sustainability figures correctly, translate them to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  and convert them into an effective communication plan? With a wide network of experts and study groups, we offer all-round marketing support in the field of CSR.

A strong vision around corporate social responsibility?